Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Strip Different Types of Characters from a String

I realised that one of my earlier posts Generic Function to Copy Excel Data references a function called 'tcStripChars' in order to remove control characters from a cell value. This was required to prevent Excel 97 crashing when copying the .Value2 property of a cell into another cell whenever there were control characters in the value e.g. LFCR.

The function is useful for other situations as well so here it is. Please note the use of the Vba6 conditional compilation constant to generate appropriate code for your version of VBA using Enumerated Types (VBA6) or Public Constants (pre VBA6)

' Note: Vba6 is a conditional compiler constant that indicates
' the version of VBA and in this module we use enumerated types if
' supported otherwise we use plain old public constants

#If CBool(VBA6) Then
' Enumerate methods for selecting mode of character removal
Public Enum StripCharsMode
scmcRemoveAlphas = 2 ^ 0
scmcRemoveControl = 2 ^ 1
scmcRemoveNumerics = 2 ^ 2
scmcRemoveSpaces = 2 ^ 3
scmcRemoveOthers = 2 ^ 4
scmcRemoveAll = 2 ^ 5 - 1
scmcKeepAlphas = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas
scmcKeepLetters = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas - scmcRemoveSpaces
scmcKeepNumerics = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveNumerics
scmcKeepOthers = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveOthers
scmcKeepControl = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveControl
End Enum

Public Function tcStripChars( _
ByVal strInputText As String, _
ByVal scmRemoveType As StripCharsMode) _
As String

Dim scmCharMode As StripCharsMode
' Constants for selecting mode of character removal
Public Const scmcRemoveAlphas As Integer = 2 ^ 0
Public Const scmcRemoveControl As Integer = 2 ^ 1
Public Const scmcRemoveNumerics As Integer = 2 ^ 2
Public Const scmcRemoveSpaces As Integer = 2 ^ 3
Public Const scmcRemoveOthers As Integer = 2 ^ 4
Public Const scmcRemoveAll As Integer = 2 ^ 5 - 1
Public Const scmcKeepAlphas As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas
Public Const scmcKeepLetters As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveAlphas _
- scmcRemoveSpaces
Public Const scmcKeepNumerics As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveNumerics
Public Const scmcKeepOthers As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveOthers
Public Const scmcKeepControl As Integer = scmcRemoveAll - scmcRemoveControl

Public Function tcStripChars( _
ByVal strInputText As String, _
ByVal scmRemoveType As Integer) _
As String

Dim scmCharMode As Integer
#End If

Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strChar As String

' Remove specified types of characters from input string

' Developed by Warren Bain
' Copyright 2004, Thought Croft Pty Ltd
' All rights reserved.

' In:
' strInputText:
' text to extract characters from
' scmRemoveType:
' type of removal (or retention) required
' can be combined to remove multiple types of chars
' Out:
' Return Value:
' text with all required chars removed

' Start with an empty output string
tcStripChars = vbNullString

' Determine for each character in the input string
' whether it should be retained or discarded based
' on bitwise comparison with scmRemoveType parameter
For intPos = 1 To Len(strInputText)
strChar = Mid$(strInputText, intPos, 1)
Select Case Asc(strChar)
Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveAlphas
Case 48 To 57: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveNumerics
Case 32: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveSpaces
Case 0 To 31: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveControl
Case Else: scmCharMode = scmcRemoveOthers
End Select

' If the character's type bit is set in the remove type
' we will discard it - otherwise retain it
If scmRemoveType And scmCharMode Then
'Ignore this one
tcStripChars = tcStripChars & strChar
End If
Next intPos

End Function


Unknown said...

This is great stuff!
Thank you very much :-)

Any chance you'll throw in the "GeneratePassword()" function also? I can't seem to compile the project without it.. If not, I'll just make some random generator myself.

anyway, thanks again :-D

Wazza said...

Actually Leif, you must have meant the post above this one "Automation Manager Class". Will add to it soon.


Unknown said...

sorry, how did I manage to do that?
Commented in wrong post yes..

Well anyways, you got the idea :D

Wazza said...

OK, I have updated the class to include that function as private to the module so it will work standalone now.

Also posted the code in a separate for those that are interested...